We go beyond in all aspects of coaching and are experts at what we do! We strive to provide a first-class coaching experience for every single client, and we aim to do this with a professional, personal touch.

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Results-driven coaches, but also have your health in mind at all times. We know that not every transformation is healthy (for example, an extreme transformation like a photoshoot), however, we ensure you’re in the best health at the start of your journey and are nursed back to the best possible health afterwards. We care about you as a person.


I have been a coach for 9 years now. I obtained my PT qualification when I was 20 years old in Australia, where I moved to play semi-professional rugby league.

I always had an interest in health and was continuously striving to build muscle throughout my teenage years and into my early 20s, and I am still in pursuit of it now as I approach 30!


I absolutely love coaching. It fulfills me to help fast-track somebody to their end goal and then see them push the goalposts further away and create a new target! It’s just like what I do myself in whatever I’m pursuing.

I have transformed well over 300 people’s lives throughout my coaching career and continue to do so to this day, with no plans of stopping anytime soon!

I now personally compete in bodybuilding, which I love. I won my first competition in 2022 and am currently working towards my next competition, which will be sometime in 2024! Follow my journey on Instagram if you are interested.


Through bodybuilding, I have learned that aiming for a health-first approach with any client is the best way to get the body to respond the quickest. Here at Transcend, every coach shares the same ethos: health first, and results will follow!

Take a look around the website at some of the transformations by coaches here at Team Transcend and see if you can relate to any. Then, book a free consultation call if you want more information on online coaching!

Follow Nathan @Nathan_Transcend



I’ve loved and lived for health and fitness for as long as I can remember. Initially, I found passion in football and actually managed to play at a high standard (semi-pro) for the majority of my career. As I entered open age and first-team games, I started to feel insecure about my own physique as I was constantly pushed around the pitch. From there onwards, I found an interest in resistance training and decided to start my Personal Trainer qualification.

I then began to see progress with my physique and embarked on my career as a Fitness Instructor and PT, alongside pursuing a College Diploma in Sports & Exercise Coaching.

Then things came crashing down. On the 27th of October 2020, I found out I had a bone condition/tumour in my right thigh and pelvis after I broke my hip. Football was turned on its head, and I found myself constantly binge-eating and becoming very out of shape. I was unhappy, depressed, and living a fake version of who I truly am. Returning to the gym changed that for me.

I set a goal to lose body fat, and I did. I then took things a step further and actually achieved a photoshoot-ready physique, losing 30lbs in the process. Even better, despite doctors telling me I would never play sports again, I managed to complete a half marathon and have a full marathon booked this December in Abu Dhabi with Nathan.

On top of that, I’m competing in 3 Hyrox events, attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the most amount of burpees in 24 hours, and I’ll be competing in 2 bodybuilding shows at the end of this year. All of this is thanks to the guidance and assistance of coaches and educators who knew more than me. From these experiences, I’m now incredibly passionate about helping to educate others on the importance of training, nutrition, mental and internal health, to help them better themselves both inside and out.

If you’re someone wanting to earn your own self-respect, build your self-confidence, and get into incredible shape… then let’s do it!

Follow Dylan @Dylan_Transcend

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